Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Interesting Facts About The Mardi Gras Mask

The wearing of masks for Carnival celebrations dates back to Europe in the 1700's. In New Orleans parading began in 1857 and masks were worn during balls held by secret societies, now known as krewes. Masking is a way of concealing one's identity and gives the individual an opportunity to reveal a part of their personality not usually shared in public. Also class distinctions and societal taboos are blurred during Mardi Gras when masked party guests indulge during the Carnival season. After all this is traditionally the time to let loose before Lent!

Masks can be made with a wide range of materials and ornamentation. Feathers, beads, sequins, bows, studs...whatever you can think of! The amazing creativity that goes into the mask wearer's imagination is a big part of what makes Mardi Gras so much fun. Plus if you wear a really unique mask you may draw some extra attention from the float riders during the parades. That means you might get more beads and throws!

Another interesting fact: It is the law in New Orleans that anyone riding on a parade float is required to wear a mask, although individuals walking through the streets and particularly entering businesses are only allowed to wear them on Fat Tuesday.

Click here to read this interesting article about Mardi Gras masks.

Thanks for visiting. Feel free to comment below.

Sondra Carpenter
The Mardi Gras Girl

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Delicious New Orleans Tradition, Jambalaya

One of the things I love about New Orleans, whether it's Mardi Gras or any other time of year is the incredible cuisine. Jambalaya is one of my favorite dishes. I've had it in other places besides The Big Easy, but I'm telling you...it just ain't the same!!! ;0) Jambalaya is a native Creole and Cajun dish. The name is thought to have derived from the French word for ham "jambon", along with the word "ya" which in many West African languages refers to rice.
For the uninitiated jambalaya is a one pot dish with a variety of tasty ingredients. You start out with crawfish, which are fresh water bayou shellfish, they look a lot like a small lobster; rice, tomatoes, andouille sausage (which is nice and spicy), chicken, onions, shrimp and more.
Check out this video on how to make jambalaya...yeeaaah! Mmmmmmm!

Thanks for visiting. Feel free to comment below.

Sondra Carpenter
The Mardi Gras Girl

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Poll: What's Your Favorite Thing About Mardi Gras?

Just for fun, vote on the Mardi Gras Poll below, one vote per day!

What's Your Favorite Thing About Mardi Gras?
pollcode.com free polls

You can also click this link to share the poll and comment: http://vote.pollcode.com/52176655

Thanks for visiting!

Sondra Carpenter
The Mardi Gras Girl